fraud work
Ifazone is a fraud company bhi logo fas mat jana vha par totaly member jodne vala kam ha ,5.log jodne hote ha or 45000 ka chuna lga date ha bande ko madarchod gande hrami boshdi ke fuddu bna te ha logo ko lute ha
इज़ेज़ोन एक धोखाधड़ी कंपनी है जो लोगो से संबंधित हैं, जो पूरी तरह से सदस्य हैं, वो काम करते हैं, 5. लॉग जोड हैं या 45000 का चुन लेगा तारीख हां बेंदे को मदरोग करो गंडे हरि बोधि के फूडू बन्ना ते हा लोगो को लूट हा
Most of them repeatedly vote along party lines. democrat of course. These parents actively engage in school lunch program fraud, welfare fraud, tax fraud with their businesses, insurance fraud in their medical practices, HUD fraud, Section 8 fraud, college financial aid fraud, social security fraud, disabilty fraud, foodstamp fraud and any other freebie program they can get their claws into. I have spent 29 years as an investigator dealing with mail fraud and wire fraud statutes prosecutions. It is getting much worse with these people.
sudanafoog says:
I was scammed out of £100, this week and I contacted my bank within 2 minutes of the transfer as I was unusually able to confirm it was a scam quickly. I also called Action Fraud within five minutes. The out of hours fraud dept at Natwest couldn”t do anything so I had to wait until the morning to report it to my bank (!). I provided them both with the scammers” bank details and mobile telephone number yet three days later the same scam is continuing with the same bank details and telephone number. Hundreds of victims have probably fallen victim to this scams unnecessarily. The banks don”t even want to protect the victims of scams or would have followed up. Something needs to change to make the banks want to take advantage of information which a victim is desperate to pass on to prevent further victims. The police certainly don”t want to do anything promptly, if they did they would just use the mobile number or i.p. address to locate and arrest the scammer and obtain their electronic devices where all the information they would need would be available. As most of these frauds take place via social media there should be a law forcing them all to have a reporting button for fraud, Facebook do not offer any way of reporting a fraud taking place via an account which could be hacked or cloned so a person is able to move from one marketplace group to the next and on and on. Pathetic lack of interest in stopping criminals.
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